LightForce® Laser Therapy

Dr. Evil from Austin Powers

Ha! Please indulge my middle school self with the Austin Powers reference.

Patient being treated with LightForce Laser

However, we are very excited about our new Laser therapy technology that we are offering to our patients. This therapy is wonderful at treating chronic and acute conditions which can include:

  • low back pain 
  • golfer’s elbow
  • tennis elbow
  • muscles spasms
  • migraines, headaches
  • TMJ dysfunction
  • sciatica
  • shoulder and hip pain

As a patient, during a laser treatment you will experience a warm soothing sensation over the treatment area. This is an indication of where the Laser therapy is being applied. A typical session of laser therapy will last around 10-20 minutes and afterwards you should notice a change in your discomfort. We generally see significant improvement after 6-10 session. 

This type of therapy is utilized in many professional sports teams as well as Chiropractic colleges, like Logan University (formally known as Logan College of Chiropractic and my alma mater).

Warning: Fancy Explanation To Follow   

How the laser works is through a fancy term called Photobiomodulation. (Bonus points if you can spell that word when you come in!) All this means is, we are utilizing light energy to help your cells heal quicker. The higher power of light therapy, like our laser therapy, the more cellular stimulation healing occurs, which leads to feeling better and getting back to doing the things that you love.  

Explanation Over

Come on in, schedule your free first time session for a laser therapy treatment (did I not mention that your first session is free?), experience the magic of a Freakin’ Laser! Please mention that you read the blog for this one time free session!

LightForce Laser at Spine & Strength clinic

“Move Better, Eat Better, Be Better” 

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